For quality metadata it can be important to break up text into smaller parts for both better metadata and retrieval. A chunker implements the ChunkerTransformer
All our chunkers try to chunk in semantic blocks, i.e. a paragraph with its headers, or a full code function body.
The text and markdown splitters use text_splitter under the hood, and can be customized by overwriting the chunker.
The ChunkerTransformer
Which is defined as follows:
pub trait ChunkerTransformer: Send + Sync + Debug { async fn transform_node(&self, node: Node) -> IndexingStream;
/// Overrides the default concurrency of the pipeline fn concurrency(&self) -> Option<usize> { None }}
Or in human language: “Given a Node, break it up into smaller parts”.
Built in chunkers
Name | Description | Feature Flag |
ChunkCode | Given a (tree-sitter) language, chunks code | tree-sitter |
ChunkMarkdown | Chunks markdown | |
ChunkText | Chunks text |