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Feature Flags

In swiftide feature flags are organized per integration. Many are large libraries that would introduce significant compile time and binary size. We strongly advice to cherry-pick features that you need.

  • qdrant - Provides a Qdrant as storage
  • redis - Provides Redis as a node cache and as storage
  • tree-sitter - Provides a tree-sitter based chunker for code
  • openai - Provides prompting and embedding via openai (with async-openai) and/or azure openai.
  • fastembed - Provides embedding via Qdrant’s Fastembed
  • scraping - Provides a scraping loader (with spider) and a html to markdown transformer (with htmd)

Our philosophy is to provide sane defaults and empower engineers to customize. Integrations are generally thin wrappers with a default, builder and the option to customize whatever the integration provides.